Mini Symposium QMRI March 2024
We are pleased to announce a mini symposium on Mass Spectrometry called 'Diverse Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Biology' for Monday 18th March 2024. (11.30-2.30) at Wellcome Auditorium, Queen's Medical Research Institute.
Please Register here on MyEd Search ‘Mass Spectrometry’
Our TEAMS Symposium will begin with an overview of the variety of mass spectrometry facilities we have across the University of Edinburgh and will then include talks from Dr Jennifer Cartwright who was granted a TEAMS award in 2019 and carried out research in QMRI Mass Spec Core to develop a method for drug AT7519 in a mouse model. We will then hear from Dr Nadanai Laohakunakorn who worked with EdinOmics facility at KB, using metabolomics in cell-free protein synthesis. Finally, Dr Rachel Kline who has worked at Roslin Metabolomics and Proteomics facility to study proteomics in a zebrafish motor neuron disease.
We are keen to encourage early career researchers, early stage technicians and PhD students to consider how mass spectrometry can help in your research.
Thanks to our sponsors we have a mini grant opportunity for those ECRs and PhD students who register and attend the symposium on Monday 18th March. Please do come along and see how Mass Spectrometry can work for you.
The programme for Mass Spectrometry Symposium March 2024 is here:
The TEAMS Symposium 2019 'What Mass Spectrometry Can Do For You' was held at the Roslin Institute on 18th March 2019. 100 attendees from the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine and the College of Science and Engineering met for a successful symposium day. Each facility described its capabilities and 13 different talks were given by researchers across the University, illustrating the wide reach and the varied applications of Mass Spectrometry in Edinburgh.
We are grateful for financial support from the Institute of Academic Development and 8 different sponsors - Waters, ThermoFisher, Sciex, Leco, Bruker, Advion, Anatune and Agilent - and the excellent event management of the Education Core from the Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility.
After the event, TEAMS assessed a number of applications for novel mass spectrometry projects from early career researchers. 7 were selected and awarded between £250 and £500 towards their project. We will hear about the progress of these projects at the next TEAMS Symposium 2020 in March 2020.
TEAMS is The Edinburgh Association of Mass Spectrometrists.
TEAMS unites five mass-spec facilities and one research lab across four campuses and the colleges of MVM and Science and Engineering in University of Edinburgh. Between us we offer different areas of expertise and instrumentation, covering a wide range of separation and mass spectrometry techniques including metabolomics, lipidomics, proteomics, Imaging and Quantitative mass spectrometry. We complement each other in terms of technology, software and expertise.
TEAMS aims to put you in touch with the right lab to do your mass-spectrometry
If you want to know which facility is best for you, send an query/abstract to:
Do you understand the capabilities of mass spectrometry now available in Edinburgh?
Ever wondered how it might help in your research?
Sign up to this symposium to find out where, who and how mass spectrometry can help your research, by hearing case studies and meeting the experts
Active areas of research include: proteomics, clinical targeted analysis, metabolomics, lipidomics and imaging mass spectrometry
For more information:
Download the programme for the 2019 TEAMS Symposium
Find your way to the venue at the Roslin Insitute.
View the flier?